1. General Provisions

1.1 The IV International Film Festival of Russia and the Near Abroad Countries Lendoc Film Festival (LEFF) (hereinafter referred to as the Festival) is held on the initiative of the Open Film Studio "Lendoc" and ANO "Kinokultura" (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee) supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Culture Committee of Saint Petersburg.
Lendoc Film Festival is a large-scale international cultural event for St.Petersburg residents, guests of the city and young cinematographers. It is aimed at support and development of interest towards cultural and ethnic richness and diversity of Russian and CIS regions as well as creation of joint film projects. The program of the "LEFF" Festival is formed of full-length feature and non-feature films. Also the Festival includes out-of-competition programs of films and retrospective screenings.

1.2 The business program includes a meeting of heads of cinema organizations of CIS countries, pitching of co-production projects (animated, non-feature films, feature films and serials) and round tables with leading filmmakers from near abroad countries. Also there's an interactive and educational program of events from the Festival organizers and partners, including master-classes of film industry representatives.

1.3 These acts regulate the order of organizing and conducting of the Festival and are valid until its completion. These Guidelines may be modified, augmented and prolonged by the decision of the Organizing Committee. All changes and additions are published on the site of the Festival: https://leff-fest.ru

2. Objectives of the Festival

2.1 The goal of the festival is to encourage and develop an interest in cultural and ethnic richness and diversity of cinematography in regions of Russia and neighboring countries as well as to form a professional field for establishment of new communications, co-production and maintenance of established connections between film industry participants for further creation of joint film projects.

3. Organizing committee

3.1 Festival organizing committee consists of the representatives of Lendoc Film Studio, "Kinokultura" and also Festival partners, invited by the decision of the organizing committee.

3.2 Organizing committee prepares and distributes documentation about the Festival; makes up the program of the Festival; organizes holding of the Festival on the declared dates; publishes necessary information in the Internet.
3.3 The Festival Organizing Committee may make additions and adjustments to the program in order to improve the quality of the Festival.
3.4 Organizing committee reserves the right to use Festival videos (including trailers of the films, excerpts up to 5 min) and photos of the Festival works for advertising and promoting the Festival on TV, in press and internet.

3.5 Organizing Committee agrees not to use the submitted materials for commercial purposes.

3.6 The Organizing Committee agrees not to transfer films of the Festival program to the third parties for commercial purposes, but reserves the right to organize non-commercial film screenings within the post-festival screenings ("Echoes of the Festival") in St.Petersburg and other cities.
3.7 The Festival's Organizing Committee reserves the right to attract partners, media partners and sponsors for implementation of the Festival project.
3.8 Festival Organizing Committee decides questions of guests invitation, terms and conditions of their stay and accreditation at the Festival individually.

4. Form, location and timing of the Festival

4.1 The screenings are held in St. Petersburg cinemas.
4.2 The Festival is held from August 25 to 29, 2023.
4.3 The Festival combines:
- a program of competitive and non-competitive film screenings;
- a series of special events for a wide circle of viewers;
- Pitching of feature, non-feature and animated films and series with a high potential of co-production of the Festival participants;
- an educational intensive program for the participants of the pitching;
- a business program for the heads of film organizations.

5. Festival

5.1 Professional jury of the Festival consists of two categories: fiction and non-fiction films, and is formed by the decision of the organization committee. There should be not less than 4 jury members in each category.
5.2 According to the results of the Jury's work the Best feature film prize, the Best non-feature film prize and also Special diplomas of the Jury of the feature and non-feature films competitions are awarded. The Organizing Committee awards the Prize for the best coproduction project.
5.3 Festival Awards:
- Best Feature Film Award.
- Special Jury diploma for feature films
- Prize for the best non-fiction film
- Special Jury diploma for non-fiction films
- Prize of the Festival Organizing Committee for the best co-production

Prizes from the Festival partners and sponsors are also possible.

5.4 Every Jury member can't include persons participating in the production or commercial distribution of the films participating in the corresponding Competition.

6. Festival program formation and participation conditions

6.1 Festival program is created by the selection committee and program director of the Festival.
6.2 Main competition program is complied from feature and non-feature films, which were finished not earlier than January 1st, 2022.
6.3 Films with Russian premiere status have priority in the selection, but this condition is not obligatory. The Festival Selection Committee pays special attention to films co-produced by several participating countries. Both feature and non-feature films which have been released in the Russian cinematography or which are available for viewing via Internet or online platforms are not admitted for the participation in the competitions.
6.4 Films, selected to the Festival program, must correspond to the legislation of the Russian Federation and meet the generally accepted standards of morality and ethics; they must not advocate tobacco, alcohol, drugs, pornography and other anti-social phenomena. The texts sounding in the film must not contain profanity.
6.5 Feature films from 60 minutes, non-feature films from 20 minutes.
6.6 Films in Russian or with Russian subtitles can be included in the Festival program.
6.7 Participation in the Festival is free of charge.
6.8 Selection committee reserves the right not to comment its decisions. Only rough versions of film editing are accepted for the Festival consideration provided all works on the film are finished by the beginning of the Festival.
6.9 Authors of films which meet the requirements of the paragraphs 6.1-6.8 can participate in the Festival. 6.1-6.8, may submit their films for the consideration by filling in the application form at the official site of the "Lendok" film studio until the 15th of July, 2023.
6.10 The Festival will include co-production pitching for feature, non-feature and animated feature films, as well as for TV series with a high potential of co-production between the Festival participants. Pitching applications will be accepted until 15.07.2023.
6.11 The organizing committee has the right to invite the authors of films with festival history.
6.12 The Festival program is published on the site of the "Lendoc" film studio not later than 01.08.2023.
6.13 Authors of films, selected for the Festival program, are invited to present their films.

By applying for the Festival, a participant agrees with these Regulations and agrees to be bound by them.

By submission of their application to the Festival, participants agree to the processing of their personal data in accordance with Article 9 of the Federal Law of 27.07.2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data".
© 2023 Lendoc Film Festival